I got this app for free and it is not even worth 0€. You cant imagine how bad these jokes are!
I got this app for free and it is not even worth 0€. You cant imagine how bad these jokes are!
Most of these jokes are simple not funny and stupid. The author clearly has no english skills and most of the time it sounds worse than a translation program. Thereby many jokes dont even make sense! Some lame jokes are even kindof racist. Ive only seen a few half decent jokes in decent english! Not worth any money, if you want to have a laugh about bad english than get it for free like me.
since the last update it doesnt work anymore. maybe this is good so i dont have to see these racist and not-funny jokes any further. for my luck i got it for free because the developer should actually give the users money for risking eye-cancer while reading this jokes.
Mostly written by someone whos first language is not English, and any humor they might have contained was lost in translation.
Wow. Glad I didnt pay for this. ABSOLUTE GARBAGE!!
Crashes at bootup
Theyre even told in broken English.
I hate when they act like its a full version for free just to find out its NOT then kill you with ads! Waste of time unless you like popups and ads everywhere.
Not written by Americans...
Probably funny in their home language, but the jokes didnt translate to English well.
The app is much wrong english in written...
The jokes dont use proper English which makes them not funny when reading them out loud. Pretty lame.
99.9% of the jokes are either unfunny, poorly written or sound like they were written by middle schoolers. It is also swarming with ads and bugs you every so many jokes to download some other joke app. This may be free but dont waste the time it takes to download it.
This wasnt worth the time and money, Im very disappointed. I expect getting a refund very soon. This app needs actual funny jokes, not lame jokes that no one would laugh at.
The only joke here is the app. They should hire someone who speaks English to write the jokes so we can understand them. If we purchase the full version, would we get someone that speaks english to write them. I would not recommend this app to anyone but people with an IQ of a rock.
Offensive, terrible grammar and really overall discouraging. Sexy? Yeah right. More like depressing.
Read the first 10 jokes, didnt laugh once.